Monday, September 15, 2008

angry painting

The bottom picture is of my painting when I went in to class tonight and the top pic is how it looked when I left. I was absolutely so mad and just in a bad mood. Ordinarily I tend to be a pretty productive person. I am really good at multitasking and getting about 3 days work done a day. But...when I am provoked to anger my productivity takes on superhuman qualities. I just painted away furiously for the entire three hours. I know from the photographs it may not look like huge leaps were made but it's there. I like taking pictures of my paintings each time I paint on them and then later I look through them all at once and watch how the painting takes shape. It also helps me somehow see the painting better when I look at the picture of it instead of standing right in front of it. Anyway, bottom line....if you really want to get me workin just make me mad enough.

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