Monday, September 22, 2008

collage gone awry

To set up the next two situations here is a little background. I asked 1st graders to draw a self portrait of themselves. Then I gave them magazines and asked them to cut out pictures to collage in the background. To give the collage a little more focus I put out two guidelines. 1) It has to be something you like- self portrait should be about you 2) Make it a category i.e. I like puppies so I cut out all pictures of puppies.

Story #1- I see a group of boys huddles around a magazine sniffing one of those enclosed scent flaps. Everyone is agreeing that it smells "so good." Upon closer investigation I realize they are all smelling the new tampax scent. Awesome.

Story #2- Someone chose for their category- soldiers. But not just your friendly neighborhood army reserves. These were soldiers with huge automatic weapons, black face masks, and a will to do evil. Horrified.

Examples of other categories chosen by random 1st graders. round things, raw meat, flowers, playground equipment, ipods, sofas


Lindsay said...

Wow! You should try this project in my class. Can you imagine what they would come up with? Whoever chose "raw meat" will probably end up in my class next year.

Anonymous said...

i did enjoy this story very much.