Well...I haven't had the time to get on here in awhile but here is what I have been up to. Painting/thesis, michigan ski trip, upcoming CO ski trip. Here are pix from Michigan and then pix of my latest project. I have been working an a huge project....building the panels for my next painting. It is 12 and half feet long and made up of about 13 pieces. First I had to cut the panels out which just transferring from a sketch to masonite was a huge feat. After I had them all cut I had to back them all with 1 x 4's. Each 1 x 4 had to be biscuited together at the joint on the back. To do this you use a tool called a biscuit jointer which has a little scoop blade that cuts a little half circle in each piece of wood. Then you slip a little football shaped piece of wood in between the two ...blah, blah, blah. I just got tired of typing. Last step...Use a router (sp?) to re cut out all of your panels. I am including a picture of all the panels separate, how they all fit together, and all of my hard work on the back of a panel.
So far I have put in about 45 hours and $250 into this project. So if you wanted to buy it for me now as is I would have to charge about $2350. The price is going up by the minute;)